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Agave "Burnt Burgundy" Marginata

₹1 250.00
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Product Details

Origin of Name

Agave "Burnt Burgundy" Marginata is a cultivar name that vividly describes the plant's striking appearance. The name "Burnt Burgundy" reflects the unique coloration of the leaf margins, which exhibit a deep, burgundy hue reminiscent of charred or burnt edges, providing a dramatic contrast to the plant's body. The term "Marginata" refers to the variegated edges or margins of the leaves, a common naming convention in horticulture for plants with distinct edge coloration.

Technical Description of Plant

Agave "Burnt Burgundy" is a hybrid made from A. victoriae-reginae × A. palmeri

Conservation Status

As a cultivated variety, Agave "Burnt Burgundy" Marginata does not have a specific conservation status. However, the conservation of agave species in their native habitats is crucial, as they face threats from habitat destruction, climate change, and overharvesting. Cultivation of agave cultivars in gardens and nurseries can help preserve the biodiversity of the genus.

Care Instructions

Agave "Burnt Burgundy" Marginata prefers full sun to partial shade, with brighter light intensifying the color contrast in the leaves. It requires well-draining soil, typical for succulents, to prevent root rot. Water moderately during the active growing season, allowing the soil to dry out completely between waterings, and reduce watering in the winter months. This agave is drought-tolerant once established but appreciates occasional watering during prolonged dry spells. Protect from frost, as it is not cold-hardy. Minimal fertilization is needed; a light application of a succulent fertilizer in the spring can support healthy growth.

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