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Agave Isthmensis “Kabutogani” Variegated

₹1 500.00
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Product Details

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Origin of Name

The name "Agave isthmensis" refers to the Isthmus of Tehuantepec in Mexico, where the species originates. "Kabutogani" is a Japanese term that translates to "horseshoe crab," likely alluding to the plant's rosette shape resembling the carapace of a horseshoe crab. The addition of "Variegated" indicates this particular cultivar exhibits variegation in its foliage, displaying contrasting colors that enhance its visual appeal.

Technical Description of Plant

Agave isthmensis "Kabutogani" Variegated forms a compact, slow-growing rosette of thick, succulent leaves. The leaves are short, broad, and have a striking blue-green color with creamy-yellow to white variegation along the margins and occasionally through the center. The variegation patterns can vary significantly from plant to plant, making each specimen unique. The leaf edges are typically smooth, with a pronounced terminal spine. While it is a slow grower, in maturity, it can produce an impressive flower spike, though flowering is rare in cultivation and often signals the end of the plant's lifecycle.

Origin of Plant

This variegated cultivar of Agave isthmensis is native to the rocky outcroppings and arid terrains of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec in Oaxaca, Mexico. The species has adapted to thrive in harsh, dry conditions, making it well-suited for drought-tolerant gardens and succulent collections.

Conservation Status

As a specific cultivar, Agave isthmensis "Kabutogani" Variegated does not have a separate conservation status from its species. However, like many native plants, its habitat is under pressure from land use changes and collection from the wild. Cultivating this agave contributes to its preservation by reducing demand for wild specimens.

Care Instructions

Agave isthmensis "Kabutogani" Variegated requires minimal care, making it an excellent choice for both novice and experienced gardeners. It thrives in well-draining soil and should be planted in a location that receives full sun to partial shade. Water sparingly, allowing the soil to completely dry out between watering sessions, and reduce watering frequency during the winter months to prevent root rot. It is cold-sensitive and should be protected from frost. Propagation can be achieved through the removal of offsets or by seed if the plant ever flowers.

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