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Agave Victoria reginae ( Variegated) Cream Compact /Lemonade

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Product Details

Origin of Name

Agave victoriae-reginae 'Variegated Cream Compact' and 'Lemonade' are exquisite cultivars of the Agave victoriae-reginae, distinguished by their striking variegation. The species name victoriae-reginae honors Queen Victoria, reflecting the plant's regal and distinctive appearance, with its tight, compact rosettes symbolizing the queen's enduring and stoic nature. The term 'variegated' refers to the plant's leaves, which exhibit streaks or margins of different colors, while 'Cream Compact' and 'Lemonade' describe the specific patterns and hues of variegation in these cultivars. 'Cream Compact' features cream or white edges, and 'Lemonade' offers a lighter, yellowish variegation, suggesting the refreshing color of lemonade.

Technical Description of Plant

These variegated cultivars of Agave victoriae-reginae are smaller and more compact than the species type, typically growing to about 30 cm in height and width. The 'Cream Compact' variety has tight, short, dark green leaves with striking cream or white margins, while 'Lemonade' showcases a similar growth habit but with lemon-yellow variegation. Both varieties maintain the characteristic symmetrical rosette pattern and are adorned with short, black terminal spines. The variegation adds a unique aesthetic value, making each plant slightly different in pattern and hue. These agaves rarely flower, but when they do, they produce a tall spike with attractive greenish-white flowers.

Origin of Plant

Agave victoriae-reginae is native to the arid regions of northeastern Mexico. The variegated cultivars 'Cream Compact' and 'Lemonade' were developed through selective breeding and cultivation, aimed at enhancing the natural beauty of the species with striking variegated foliage. These cultivars do not occur naturally in the wild and are the result of horticultural efforts to appeal to collectors and enthusiasts seeking unique and ornamental plants.

Conservation Status

The wild type Agave victoriae-reginae is listed as Near Threatened by the IUCN, due to its limited distribution and the ongoing threats of habitat loss and overcollection. However, the conservation status specifically for the 'Cream Compact' and 'Lemonade' cultivars has not been assessed, as they are primarily maintained and propagated within controlled environments, such as botanical gardens and private collections. The cultivation of these variegated cultivars contributes to the conservation of the species by reducing pressure on wild populations.

Care Instructions

Variegated Agave victoriae-reginae cultivars require similar care to their non-variegated counterparts but may need a bit more protection from direct sunlight to prevent fading or scorching of the variegated leaves. They thrive in well-draining soil and should be watered sparingly, allowing the soil to completely dry out between watering sessions. These plants are best suited for container growing, especially in regions prone to frost, as they are not frost-tolerant. During the winter months, reduce watering significantly. Fertilize lightly once a year in spring with a balanced, slow-release fertilizer. If grown in pots, ensure they are placed in a sunny to partially shaded location to encourage the best color development in the variegation. Offsets can be carefully removed and potted up to propagate new plants and expand your collection.

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