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Agave isthmensis Ohi Raijin 'Gold Spirit'

₹2 700.00
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Product Details

Origin of Name

Agave isthmensis 'Ohi Raijin Gold Spirit' is a cultivar named for its striking appearance and origin. The species name, "isthmensis," refers to the Isthmus of Tehuantepec in Mexico, indicating the plant's native region. 'Ohi Raijin', inspired by Japanese folklore, evokes the image of Raijin, the god of thunder and storms, perhaps suggesting the plant's dynamic, bold patterns and colors. 'Gold Spirit' further emphasizes the vibrant golden-yellow variegation that marks the leaves, imbuing the plant with a spirited, lively aura.

Technical Description of Plant

Agave isthmensis 'Ohi Raijin Gold Spirit' is a compact, rosette-forming agave known for its stunning variegated foliage. The leaves are short, broad, and have a distinctive blue-green color, edged with contrasting golden-yellow to creamy white margins that can vary in intensity. The leaf surface is slightly cupped and can have a wavy or undulating edge, adding to its visual interest. This cultivar rarely flowers, focusing its energy on producing a dense, attractive rosette that can reach up to 12 inches in diameter. When it does bloom, the plant sends up a tall spike with greenish-yellow flowers, typical of the Agave genus.

Origin of Plant

Agave isthmensis 'Ohi Raijin Gold Spirit' is derived from Agave isthmensis, a species endemic to a small area in Oaxaca, Mexico. This cultivar was selected for its unique variegation and compact growth habit, making it a sought-after specimen for collectors and enthusiasts. The exact origins of the 'Ohi Raijin Gold Spirit' cultivar are not widely documented, suggesting it may have arisen from selective breeding or a spontaneous mutation within the species.

Conservation Status

While Agave isthmensis itself is not currently listed as endangered, habitat destruction and overcollection pose threats to many agave species. Cultivated varieties like 'Ohi Raijin Gold Spirit' play a role in conservation by offering gardeners and collectors an alternative to wild-collected plants, thereby reducing pressure on natural populations.

Care Instructions

Agave isthmensis 'Ohi Raijin Gold Spirit' requires well-draining soil and full to partial sun exposure to thrive. It is well-suited to rock gardens, xeriscapes, or as a potted specimen. Water sparingly, allowing the soil to completely dry out between waterings, and reduce watering frequency during the cooler months to prevent root rot. This cultivar is relatively cold-tolerant but should be protected from frost to avoid damage to the variegated leaves. Minimal fertilization is needed; applying a balanced, slow-release fertilizer once a year in spring can support healthy growth.

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