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Air Plant Tillandsia 'Houston' (T. Stricta X T. Recurvifolia)

₹1 750.00
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Tillandsia 'Houston', a popular and visually striking hybrid air plant, is the result of a cross between Tillandsia stricta and Tillandsia recurvifolia. This hybrid combines the best features of both parent species, resulting in a plant that is not only beautiful but also robust and easy to care for, making it an ideal choice for both novice and experienced enthusiasts.

Origin of Name

The Air Plant Tillandsia 'Houston' was named after the city of Houston, Texas, where it was first cultivated and introduced to the public. The plant is a hybrid of two other Tillandsia species, T. stricta and T. recurvifolia. The specific epithet of the plant name indicates the parent species involved in the hybridization.

Technical Description of Plant

Tillandsia 'Houston' boasts a rosette of soft, silver-green leaves that are slightly recurved, creating an elegant and sculptural form. The leaves are covered in fine trichomes, which give the plant a frosted appearance and help it absorb water and nutrients from the air. This hybrid is particularly loved for its vibrant bloom; the flower spike is a brilliant pink or red, producing purple flowers that contrast beautifully against the foliage. The plant reaches a moderate size, making it suitable for a variety of display settings.

Origin of Plant

As a hybrid, Tillandsia 'Houston' does not occur naturally in the wild but is the result of deliberate cross-pollination between T. stricta and T. recurvifolia by horticulturists. Both parent species are native to Central and South America, where they grow in diverse environments from forests to arid regions. The hybrid inherits the adaptability of its parents, thriving in a range of indoor and outdoor settings.

Conservation Status

Being a cultivated hybrid, Tillandsia 'Houston' does not have a specific conservation status. However, the cultivation and popularity of such hybrids contribute to the conservation of Tillandsia species by reducing the demand for wild-collected specimens.

Care Instructions

Tillandsia 'Houston' is relatively easy to care for, requiring only indirect light, good air circulation, and occasional watering to thrive. It prefers bright, filtered light and should be watered by soaking in water for about 20-30 minutes every one to two weeks, depending on the humidity and temperature of its environment. Allow the plant to dry fully after soaking to prevent rot. Fertilizing monthly with a bromeliad fertilizer diluted to one-quarter strength during the growing season can promote growth and enhance flowering. Protect from freezing temperatures and excessive direct sunlight, which can damage the leaves.

Tillandsia 'Houston' is an excellent choice for anyone looking to add a touch of natural beauty to their home or office. Its ease of care, combined with its striking appearance when in bloom, makes it a rewarding plant for both beginners and seasoned plant enthusiasts alike.

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