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Aloe Blue Shark

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Product Details

Origin of Name
'Aloe Blue Shark' is a cultivar name that reflects the unique characteristics of this Aloe variety. The 'Blue' in the name denotes the distinct blue-green hue of its leaves, while 'Shark' refers to the tooth-like serrations along the leaf edges, resembling a shark's teeth. This naming convention highlights the plant's striking appearance and differentiates it from other Aloe species and varieties.

Technical Description of Plant
Aloe 'Blue Shark' is known for its dense rosettes of thick, fleshy leaves that have a distinctive blue-green color. The leaves are broad at the base and taper to a point, with prominent white or light-colored teeth along the edges, giving it a dramatic, serrated appearance. This succulent can grow to a moderate size, making it suitable as both a container plant and a garden specimen. The plant may produce tall flower spikes bearing tubular flowers, typically in shades of orange or red, which contrast beautifully against the foliage.

Origin of Plant
As a cultivar, Aloe 'Blue Shark' does not have a specific native habitat but is likely derived from species native to Africa, where Aloes are commonly found. These parent species are adapted to arid, semi-desert environments.

Conservation Status
As a cultivated variety, Aloe 'Blue Shark' does not have a conservation status. It is not a wild species, so it is not subject to the same environmental pressures as wild Aloes.

Care instructions
Aloe 'Blue Shark' should be planted in well-draining soil, ideally a cactus or succulent mix, to prevent root rot. It prefers bright, indirect sunlight but can tolerate some direct sunlight, especially in the morning or late afternoon. Water moderately during the growing season, allowing the soil to dry out completely between waterings. Reduce watering in the winter. This Aloe variety is not frost-tolerant and should be protected from freezing temperatures. Regular grooming, such as removing dead leaves, and monitoring for pests will help maintain the plant's health and appearance.

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