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Aloe humilis x pratensis

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Product Details

This is a hybrid created by aloe breeder Nick Deinhart and was the result of crossing the Spider Aloe, Aloe humilis with the Rocky Meadow Aloe, Aloe pratensis. He then selected the 3 best seedlings and crossed them back with each other, making the resulting seedlings 2nd generation or F2 plants. The resulting plants seem to more resemble Aloe humilis,

Origin of Name

The name Aloe humilis x pratensis is a botanical designation for a hybrid between two Aloe species: Aloe humilis, known for its low-growing, spiny rosettes, and Aloe pratensis, recognized for its grassy appearance in natural habitats. The "x" signifies a cross between the two species, indicating a deliberate or natural hybridization aimed at combining desirable traits from both parents. "Humilis" means "low" or "small" in Latin, referring to the compact size of the one parent, while "pratensis" translates to "of meadows," pointing to the natural growing conditions of the other parent.

Technical Description of Plant

Aloe humilis x pratensis is a succulent hybrid that exhibits characteristics from both parent species, resulting in a unique and ornamental plant. It typically forms dense, spiny rosettes that can spread outwards, creating a ground-cover effect. The leaves are fleshy, often with a bluish-green hue, and may feature spots or stripes as well as serrated edges inherited from Aloe humilis. The hybrid is known for its vibrant flowers, which can range in color from yellow to orange or red, emerging on tall spikes and adding significant aesthetic value to the plant. The size, leaf texture, and flowering habits of this hybrid can vary, reflecting the genetic contribution of both parent species.

Origin of Plant

This is a hybrid created by aloe breeder Nick Deinhart and was the result of crossing the Spider Aloe, Aloe humilis with the Rocky Meadow Aloe, Aloe pratensis. He then selected the 3 best seedlings and crossed them back with each other, making the resulting seedlings 2nd generation or F2 plants. The resulting plants seem to more resemble Aloe humilis,Aloe humilis and Aloe pratensis are native to South Africa, thriving in different environments within the region. The hybrid Aloe humilis x pratensis benefits from the genetic diversity of its parents, combining their adaptability to create a plant well-suited for cultivation in a variety of settings.

Conservation Status

While the specific hybrid Aloe humilis x pratensis does not have a conservation status, many Aloe species are subject to habitat loss and over-collection in their natural environments. Cultivating and propagating hybrids in gardens and nurseries can contribute to the conservation of Aloes by minimizing the demand for wild-collected plants and preserving genetic diversity.

Care Instructions

Aloe humilis x pratensis prefers bright, indirect sunlight but can tolerate some direct sun, especially in the morning or late afternoon. It thrives in well-draining soil mixes designed for succulents and cacti. Water moderately during the active growth season, allowing the soil to dry out completely between waterings, and reduce watering in the winter months. This hybrid is drought-tolerant but benefits from occasional watering during prolonged dry spells. Protect from frost to prevent damage to the leaves. Fertilize sparingly with a succulent-specific fertilizer in the spring and summer to support growth and flowering.

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