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Euphorbia clivicola . Rooted.

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Product Details

Origin of Name

The species name "clivicola" derives from Latin words "clivus," meaning slope or hill, and "cola," referring to a dweller. This nomenclature reflects the plant's natural inclination to grow on rocky slopes or cliff faces, highlighting its adaptability to rugged terrains. The name Euphorbia honors Euphorbus, the Greek physician to King Juba II of Numidia, who is believed to have used a certain Euphorbia plant in his medicine.

Technical Description of Plant

Euphorbia clivicola is characterized by its compact, branching habit, forming clusters that can spread across the ground. The plant features slender, cylindrical stems that are a vibrant green, often tinged with red or purple when exposed to full sun. Its leaves are small, sparse, and quickly deciduous, leaving the stems to conduct photosynthesis. Euphorbia clivicola is distinguished by its bright yellow cyathia (the specialized inflorescences of euphorbias), which bloom prolifically at the stem tips, creating a vivid display against the green stems.

Origin of Plant

Native to South Africa, specifically to certain cliff-dwelling ecosystems, Euphorbia clivicola has evolved to thrive in environments with limited soil, high light, and occasional moisture. Its natural habitat's challenging conditions have endowed the plant with exceptional drought tolerance and a preference for well-drained substrates.

Conservation Status

While detailed conservation status for Euphorbia clivicola may not be widely documented, like many native South African euphorbias, it could be susceptible to habitat loss and environmental changes. Cultivation in succulent gardens and collections can

help preserve its species by reducing the need for wild collection and raising awareness about its ecological niche and conservation.

Care Instructions

Euphorbia clivicola thrives in conditions that mimic its natural habitat: it prefers bright sunlight and can tolerate direct sun, which intensifies the coloration of its stems. A well-draining soil mix, formulated for cacti and succulents, is essential to prevent root rot. Water moderately during the growing season, allowing the soil to dry out completely between waterings, and reduce watering significantly during the winter dormancy period to mimic its arid environment. This species is relatively cold-sensitive and should be protected from frost. Given its toxic sap, care should be taken to wear gloves when handling or pruning to avoid skin and eye irritation.

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