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Euphorbia officinarum ssp. echinus

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Product Details

Origin of Name

Euphorbia officinarum ssp. echinus derives its name from the genus Euphorbia, named after Euphorbus, the Greek physician of King Juba II of Mauretania. The species name "officinarum" suggests its historical use in traditional medicine ("officina" is Latin for workshop, and in this context, it refers to a storeroom of a monastery where medicines were prepared). The subspecies name "echinus" means "hedgehog" in Latin, referring to the plant's spiny, rounded appearance that resembles a hedgehog. This nomenclature reflects both the plant's historical significance and its physical characteristics.

Technical Description of Plant

Euphorbia officinarum ssp. echinus is a succulent shrub that typically grows to about 60 cm in height, forming dense, rounded clumps. It has thick, cylindrical branches that are segmented by shallow constrictions, giving them a ribbed appearance similar to that of traditional cacti. The branches are covered in small, sharp spines arranged in pairs along the ridges. The plant's color ranges from green to bluish-green, with older specimens sometimes taking on a more grayish hue. Flowers, or cyathia, emerge at the tips of the branches in spring and are small, yellow, and inconspicuous, surrounded by bright yellow bracts that add a splash of color to the plant.

Origin of Plant

Euphorbia officinarum ssp. echinus is native to the western part of the Sahara Desert and parts of Morocco. It thrives in arid, rocky environments where it has adapted to survive with minimal water. This subspecies is particularly suited to harsh, sun-drenched landscapes, showcasing its resilience and adaptability to extreme conditions.

Conservation Status

As of the last assessment, detailed conservation status specific to Euphorbia officinarum ssp. echinus has not been published by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). However, like many desert plants, it may face threats from habitat destruction, overcollecting, and climate change. Conservation efforts are important to preserve this species in its natural habitat and ensure its survival for future generations.

Care Instructions

Caring for Euphorbia officinarum ssp. echinus requires mimicking its natural desert habitat as closely as possible. It should be planted in well-draining soil with added sand or perlite to improve drainage. This Euphorbia prefers full sun but can tolerate partial shade, especially in hotter climates. Water sparingly, allowing the soil to completely dry out between waterings, and reduce watering frequency in the winter to prevent root rot. This plant is well-suited to xeriscaping and rock gardens where its unique shape and texture can be showcased. It is cold-sensitive and should be protected from frost. When handling, wear gloves to avoid contact with the plant's sap, which is toxic and can cause skin irritation. With proper care, Euphorbia officinarum ssp. echinus is a stunning, low-maintenance addition to any succulent collection or drought-tolerant landscape.

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