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Gasteria 'Green Ice' Cristate Form

₹1 650.00
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Product Details

A beautiful crested for of a gasteria hybrid. Same plant as show will be sent. Extremely slow growing. Such Well formed plants are rare in collections.

Origin of Name

The name 'Gasteria' is derived from the Latin word "gaster," meaning stomach, referring to the belly-like shape of the flowers. 'Green Ice' is a cultivar name that reflects the plant's icy green, glossy leaves. The term "Cristate Form" refers to a type of growth mutation known as cristation or fasciation, where the normal apical meristem is replaced with a linear meristematic area, resulting in flattened, ribbon-like, or wavy growth patterns, adding to its distinct appearance.

Technical Description of Plant

Gasteria 'Green Ice' Cristate Form is characterized by its smooth, wide, and thick leaves that have a unique cristate growth, causing them to fan out in a flattened, wavy pattern rather than growing in the typical rosette shape. This form results in a plant that looks dramatically different from its standard counterparts. The leaves are a striking green with a glossy finish that can sometimes exhibit slight variegation or white speckles. Like other Gasterias, it may bloom with tubular, stomach-shaped flowers that are orange-pink, appearing on tall stalks in spring to summer.

Origin of Plant

Gasteria species are native to South Africa, thriving in semi-arid environments. The 'Green Ice' cultivar was specifically cultivated for its unique appearance and does not occur naturally in the wild. Its cristate form is a result of mutation, either naturally occurring or induced by growers for its ornamental value.

Conservation Status

As a cultivated variety, Gasteria 'Green Ice' Cristate Form does not have a conservation status. However, protecting natural Gasteria species and their habitats is crucial for biodiversity. Cultivating rare and unusual plants like this helps reduce the demand for wild-collected specimens.

Care Instructions

Gasteria 'Green Ice' Cristate Form requires minimal care, making it suitable for beginners. It thrives in bright, indirect light but can tolerate low-light conditions, making it an excellent indoor plant. Use well-draining soil, and water sparingly, allowing the soil to dry out completely between waterings. Over-watering can lead to root rot. During winter, reduce watering further to mimic its natural dormant period. This plant prefers average room temperatures and should be protected from frost. Propagation can be done through leaf cuttings or offsets, though the cristate form may be challenging to replicate through propagation.

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