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Gasteria 'Okavango'

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Product Details

Origin of Name

Gasteria 'Okavango' is named after the Okavango Delta, a lush and vibrant wetland in Botswana, Africa. This name suggests the cultivar's resilience and ability to thrive in various conditions, much like the diverse ecosystems supported by the Okavango Delta. The genus name "Gasteria" comes from the Latin word "gaster," meaning stomach, referring to the belly-shaped flowers characteristic of this genus, although the 'Okavango' cultivar is primarily celebrated for its foliage.

Technical Description of Plant

Gasteria 'Okavango' is a distinctive succulent with thick, fleshy leaves that exhibit a unique combination of light green coloration and white dotted lines. The leaves are lanceolate, growing in a rosette formation, and feature smooth surfaces with occasional white or pale green spots and stripes, creating an attractive contrast. This slow-growing plant forms dense clusters that can spread outwards as it matures, making it an ideal choice for ground cover in succulent gardens or as a statement piece in container arrangements. While Gasterias typically bloom with tubular, stomach-shaped flowers, 'Okavango' is particularly valued for its decorative leaves.

Origin of Plant

Gasteria 'Okavango' is a hybrid cultivar developed from species native to South Africa, where Gasterias naturally grow in shaded or semi-shaded environments. This hybridization aims to combine desirable traits from different Gasteria species, such as leaf texture, color, and growth habit, resulting in a plant that is both aesthetically pleasing and adaptable to a range of indoor and outdoor settings.

Conservation Status

As a cultivated variety, Gasteria 'Okavango' does not have a specific conservation status. However, the cultivation and propagation of Gasteria hybrids contribute to the preservation of wild species by reducing the need for collection from their natural habitats, promoting biodiversity and sustainable gardening practices.

Care Instructions

Gasteria 'Okavango' prefers bright, indirect light but can tolerate lower light conditions, making it suitable for indoor environments. It thrives in well-draining soil mixes formulated for succulents and cacti. Water the plant sparingly, allowing the soil to dry out completely between waterings, and reduce watering frequency during the cooler, dormant months. 'Okavango' is drought-tolerant and does well with minimal watering, making it an excellent choice for those seeking low-maintenance plants. Protect it from frost and extreme cold if grown outdoors.

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