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Haworthia Comptoniana Hybrid 'Marilyn'

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Product Details

Origin of Name

Haworthia Comptoniana Hybrid 'Marilyn' is a cultivated hybrid within the Haworthia genus. The specific part of the name, 'Comptoniana', likely honors a significant figure or place associated with its origin or discovery, possibly linking to the renowned botanist Robert Harold Compton. The cultivar name 'Marilyn' is a personalized designation, chosen by the hybridizer for its unique and striking characteristics, reminiscent of the glamour and distinctiveness associated with the name.

Technical Description of Plant

Haworthia Comptoniana Hybrid 'Marilyn' is notable for its beautiful and intricate foliage. It forms a compact, rosette-shaped cluster of succulent leaves. The leaves are typically dark green, often with translucent areas near the tips, allowing light to penetrate and creating a striking visual effect. This hybrid is prized for its ornamental leaf arrangement and texture, which can vary slightly between individual plants due to its hybrid nature. While it rarely flowers, when it does, the blooms are small and inconspicuous, with the main attraction being its foliage.

Origin of Plant

The parent species of this hybrid, Haworthia comptoniana, is native to South Africa. The hybrid 'Marilyn' is a result of selective breeding and cultivation, focusing on enhancing specific aesthetic qualities such as leaf shape, color, and texture.

Conservation Status

As a cultivated hybrid, Haworthia Comptoniana Hybrid 'Marilyn' does not have a specific conservation status. However, the cultivation of such hybrids plays an important role in horticulture by offering unique varieties and reducing the need for wild collection of plants.

Care Instructions

Haworthia Comptoniana Hybrid 'Marilyn' requires care similar to other Haworthias. It thrives in bright, indirect light, with some tolerance for partial shade. Direct, harsh sunlight should be avoided as it can scorch the leaves. A well-draining soil mix is essential. Water moderately, allowing the soil to dry out completely between waterings, and reduce watering in the winter. This plant prefers a warm, dry climate and is not frost-tolerant. Fertilization is not essential but can be done sparingly during the growing season with a diluted succulent fertilizer.

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