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Haworthia cooperi

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Product Details

Origin of Name

Haworthia cooperi is named after the botanist Thomas Cooper, who first discovered and collected specimens of this species during his botanical explorations in South Africa. The species is part of the diverse and intricate Haworthia genus.

Technical Description of Plant

Haworthia cooperi is a small, rosette-forming succulent known for its striking appearance. The plant typically grows to about 2-4 inches in height and diameter. It features translucent, fleshy leaves that are pale green to almost clear at the tips, allowing light to pass through. These leaves are smooth, plump, and can vary in shape from rounded to ovate. The rosettes are compact and can cluster, forming dense mats over time. One of the fascinating aspects of Haworthia cooperi is the variety within the species, as leaf shape and transparency can differ significantly. It blooms with small, white flowers on slender stalks, typically in spring or summer.

Origin of Plant

Haworthia cooperi is native to South Africa, predominantly found in the Eastern Cape Province. It thrives in semi-arid environments, often growing in sandy soils or rocky areas. This species is adapted to surviving in environments with limited water availability.

Conservation Status

As of the last update, Haworthia cooperi is not listed as an endangered species. However, conservation efforts are crucial to protect these and other succulent species from threats like habitat destruction and illegal collection.

Care Instructions

Haworthia cooperi is relatively easy to care for, making it a great choice for beginners. It prefers bright, indirect light but should be protected from intense direct sunlight to avoid scorching its delicate leaves. A well-draining soil mix is essential. Water moderately, allowing the soil to dry out completely between waterings, and reduce watering in the winter. This plant is not frost-tolerant and should be kept in a temperate environment. Fertilization is not necessary, but a diluted succulent fertilizer can be applied sparingly during the active growing season.

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