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Haworthia cv Mirrorball

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Product Details

Origin of Name

Haworthia cv 'Mirrorball' is a cultivated variety within the Haworthia genus. The cultivar name 'Mirrorball' likely alludes to the distinctive, glossy, and almost reflective quality of the leaves, reminiscent of a disco mirror ball. This name highlights the unique aesthetic appeal of this particular cultivar.

Technical Description of Plant

Haworthia 'Mirrorball' is a small, rosette-forming succulent known for its ornamental appearance. It typically grows to about 3-4 inches in height and diameter. The rosette is composed of thick, fleshy leaves that are dark green with a shiny, almost metallic sheen. The leaves are broad at the base and taper to a point, with smooth edges. One of the striking features of 'Mirrorball' is the translucent, almost crystalline appearance of the leaf tips, allowing light to penetrate and giving the plant a unique, luminous quality. The plant rarely blooms, but when it does, the flowers are small, white, and appear on slender stalks.

Origin of Plant

The Haworthia genus is native to South Africa, and 'Mirrorball', as a cultivated variety, has been selectively bred for its distinctive leaf characteristics. These plants are typically adapted to semi-arid climates and rocky environments.

Conservation Status

As a cultivated variety, Haworthia cv 'Mirrorball' does not have a specific conservation status. However, the cultivation of unique Haworthia varieties plays an important role in reducing the demand for wild-collected plants, aiding in the conservation of natural populations.

Care Instructions

Haworthia 'Mirrorball' is relatively easy to care for and is suitable for beginners. It prefers bright, indirect light but should be protected from harsh direct sunlight, which can scorch the leaves. Well-draining soil is essential, and the plant should be watered moderately, allowing the soil to dry out completely between waterings. In winter, reduce watering to prevent root rot. This plant is not frost-tolerant and should be kept in a temperate environment. Fertilization is not necessary, but a diluted succulent fertilizer can be applied sparingly during the active growing season.

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