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Kelly Griffin Aloe hybrid 'Sunrise'

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Product Details

Origin of Name

The Kelly Griffin Aloe hybrid 'Sunrise' is named after its creator, Kelly Griffin, a renowned horticulturist known for developing striking Aloe hybrids. The name 'Sunrise' reflects the vibrant coloration of the plant's leaves, which resemble the warm hues of a sunrise, with reds, oranges, and yellows blending into a green base.

Technical Description of Plant

Aloe 'Sunrise' is a small to medium-sized succulent that forms tight rosettes of thick, lanceolate leaves. The leaves are characterized by their striking coloration, with a green base overlaid by bright red to orange mottling and marginal teeth that are both decorative and sharp. This hybrid can reach up to 12 inches in both height and diameter when mature. In addition to its colorful foliage, 'Sunrise' may produce tall spikes of tubular, orange flowers that attract pollinators and add to its ornamental value.

Origin of Plant

This Aloe hybrid was meticulously developed by Kelly Griffin as part of his efforts to create succulents with unique aesthetic qualities, combining the hardy, drought-tolerant characteristics of aloes with exceptional colors and forms. 'Sunrise' is the result of crossbreeding select Aloe species to achieve its distinctive coloration and compact growth habit, making it an ideal choice for collectors and gardeners alike.

Conservation Status

As a cultivated hybrid, Aloe 'Sunrise' does not have a conservation status. However, the propagation of such hybrids plays a crucial role in reducing the demand for wild-collected specimens, thereby indirectly contributing to the conservation of natural Aloe species and their habitats.

Care Instructions

Aloe 'Sunrise' thrives in bright, indirect sunlight, which enhances its leaf coloration. It prefers well-draining soil mixes designed for cacti and succulents to prevent root rot. Watering should be moderate, allowing the soil to dry completely between watering sessions, with reduced frequency during the winter months. 'Sunrise' is tolerant of a range of temperatures but should be protected from frost. Fertilize sparingly with a succulent fertilizer during the growing season to support its health and flowering.

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