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Orbea semota var lutea

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Product Details

Origin of Name

The genus name "Orbea" is derived from the Latin word "orbis," meaning circle or disk, referring to the shape of the plant’s star-like flowers. The species name "semota" indicates its separation or distinction from closely related species, highlighting its unique characteristics. The varietal name "lutea" comes from Latin, meaning yellow, which describes the color of this variety's flowers. Together, the name Orbea semota var. lutea highlights both its botanical characteristics and its distinct, bright yellow blooms.

Technical Description of Plant

Orbea semota var. lutea is characterized by its low-growing, sprawling habit, forming mats of angular, fleshy stems that blend seamlessly into the landscape until it blooms. The stems are typically green to grey-green, with slight tooth-like projections along the edges. This variety is most celebrated for its large, star-shaped flowers that boast a vivid yellow hue, often with a central reddish or maroon marking that adds to their visual appeal. The flowers emit a distinct odor, which attracts their natural pollinators, flies.

Origin of Plant

Native to East Africa, particularly Kenya and Tanzania, Orbea semota var. lutea thrives in arid, rocky environments. Its succulent nature and growth form are adaptations to these dry habitats, allowing it to conserve water and flourish under intense sunlight.

Conservation Status

While specific conservation data for Orbea semota var. lutea may not be widely documented, the habitats of many succulent species are increasingly under threat due to human activities and climate change. Efforts to cultivate and propagate these plants in gardens and collections can contribute to their conservation by reducing pressure on wild populations.

Care Instructions

Orbea semota var. lutea thrives in bright, indirect light to partial shade and requires well-draining soil, typical of succulent and cactus mixes. Water moderately during the growing season, allowing the soil to dry completely between waterings, and reduce watering in the winter to prevent root rot. This plant is suited to warm, dry climates and should be protected from frost. Given its odoriferous flowers, outdoor cultivation is recommended if the plant is kept in an area used for entertaining or living.

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