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Sansevieria masoniana variegated (Whale fin)

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Product Details

Origin of Name

The common name "Whale Fin" derives from the plant's singular, large leaves that mimic the shape of a whale's fin, standing upright and broad. The variegated version of Sansevieria masoniana showcases natural mutations, adding lighter variegation to the leaf's surface, which further emphasizes its distinct shape and form. This variety's name, "masoniana," honors Maurice Mason, a British nurseryman who was instrumental in its introduction to horticulture.

Technical Description of Plant

Sansevieria masoniana variegated features robust, upright leaves that can grow up to several feet in height, making a bold statement in any indoor space. The leaves are thick, fleshy, and have a mottled pattern of dark green with irregular bands or patches of yellow or creamy white variegation. This succulent is known for its air-purifying qualities, removing toxins from the environment and improving indoor air quality. While it flowers infrequently, the plant may produce delicate, white blooms on a tall spike when it does.

Origin of Plant

Native to the Democratic Republic of Congo and other parts of tropical Africa, Sansevieria masoniana thrives in arid environments, adapting to survive with minimal water. Its variegated form has been selectively propagated for its unique coloration, though it retains all the hardiness of the non-variegated type, making it well-suited to cultivation in a variety of settings.

Conservation Status

Sansevieria masoniana, including its variegated forms, is not currently listed as endangered. However, all Sansevieria species benefit from conservation awareness due to habitat loss and over-collection in their native habitats. Sustainable cultivation and propagation in horticulture help to preserve these species for future generations.

Care Instructions

Sansevieria masoniana variegated is low-maintenance, preferring bright, indirect light but capable of tolerating lower light conditions. It requires well-draining soil, and watering should be done sparingly—only when the soil is completely dry, as the plant is susceptible to root rot if overwatered. This variety is particularly drought-tolerant, making it an excellent choice for those new to plant care or frequently away from home. Protect it from frost and provide a warm environment to thrive.

Sansevieria masoniana variegated, with its striking appearance and minimal care requirements, is an excellent addition to any indoor plant collection, offering both beauty and practicality. Its impressive leaf structure and variegation make it a focal point in any room, while its adaptability to various growing conditions ensures it can be enjoyed by gardeners of all experience levels.

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